Are you at risk for type 2 diabetes?
Take the first step now to help prevent diabetes from entering your life. Answer the following questions to determine your greatest areas of risk. The more "yes" answers, the greater your risk. Any "yes" answer means you should take preventive measures now.
Forty percent of the children or siblings of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes will eventually develop diabetes unless they take steps to prevent it. Does your parent, brother or sister have type 2 diabetes? Yes No
People in some ethnic groups have two to three times the risk of developing diabetes compared to all people. Are you African American/Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, Hispanic, or Asian/Pacific Islander? Yes No
More than 40 percent of people with diabetes have abnormal blood fat levels. This increases their risk of heart disease up to four times that of the general population. Do you have abnormal cholesterol or blood fat? Yes No Don't Know
The longer you are overweight and the more overweight you are, the greater your risk for diabetes. Is your weight more than or equal to the weight listed in the chart for your height? (The chart gives weights that are 20 percent over ideal weights.) Yes No
Weight Chart (shows 20 percent over maximum ideal weights without shoes or clothing)